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Welkome to my progect for trvelers called "Tavria tour"! My name is Nikolay. I was born in Melitopol. I`m English speaking guy and I really excited to help you to travel in Ukraine! I like hiking in mountains, cycling, reading books, studying English, listen to the music, astronomy, speaking with intelligent people. In the last time I began to study alternative history, Buddhism and Hinduism.  I`m married. My wife helps me a lot to understand very complicated things of Buddhism and Hinduism. Because she is a real guru of these stuff! We have two daughters. 

 I know how important sometimes to get help while you travel!  So I created my service for people who would like to visit unknown places of Ukraine, with no crowds of tourists  but they hesitate.


 I have created this project with my friend Todd Hughes. He is  professor of Vanderbilt university in Nashville, Tennessee. He really helps and encourages me a lot to start and create this project! Todd, thank you very much!

This is just a presentation of the most interesting places of my land. I`m going to be honest, it is not completed yet. There is just basic information of it. Probably my English is not perfect. But who is perfect, right? :) I would like to make my service better! So I`m really excited to get your feedback!  Your opinion is very important for me! Write your thinking in my blog or in my email. Write what you like and what you don`t like! What would you like to see? What kind of entertainment would you like to get?  I`m going to add in my blog Interesting news,  and your new ideas of improvement of my service, new ideas of entertainment for you while you will travel here!

My email       

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Travel to Ukraine, Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian history, Ukrainian food, ancient sanctuaries, places of power in Ukraine, English speaking guide in Ukraine, Ukrainian rituals, Scythian gold, interesting places of Ukraine, useful information for about Ukraine

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